Residential Service Announcement
Beginning in June of 2024, DMC Unlimited will no longer be providing general IT support services for residential clients.
As of June, 2024, DMC Unlimited will no longer be providing general IT service and support for residential customers. There are various reasons for this decision and it was a decision that we did not take lightly. While the reasons for this decision are many, one practical rationale is that the time, manpower, and resources required to provide these basic consumer services at the level of excellence that we hold ourselves to and at a cost that the average consumer is willing to pay no longer makes fiscal sense. We greatly value and appreciate all of the trust and support that our residential customers have given us over the years, but it is time for us to shift our focus and steward our time and resources well.
As you may or may not be aware, a large part of our business has always been providing IT support and network administration for small businesses. DMC provides these services to over 200 small businesses in Mason, Manistee, Oceana, and Lake Counties. We will now focus solely on this aspect of the business so that we can continue providing our wide range IT services with excellence. Our commercial clients will continue to receive the quality of service and support they have come to expect from DMC Unlimited.
To that end, our physical office will now be open by appointment only until the transition away from residential support has been solidified. Our business clients will still have full access to us and our services. If you are a residential client who has chosen to be a member of our Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) service, you will also have access to the same level of support you have become accustomed to. These changes will allow us to streamline our processes and increase the level of service we can provide while also reducing the load on our staff.
Again, we thank you for your support over the years and we would greatly appreciate your support for us in this decision as well.
Roger & Jamie Wertz and the staff of DMC Unlimited
Why are you no longer offering support to residential clients? What do we do when we need help?
We understand, perhaps better than most, that this area has a great need for residential IT support services. While the need is great, the time and cost required to provide these services have exceeded what is practical. We serve nearly two thousand customers each year. Providing residential support demands a tremendous amount of time from our support technicians. Much of this time is not "billable" in the sense that it would essentially make the cost to the customer impractical. While some of our residential customers have shown a willingness to pay accordingly for services provided, they vast majority are simply not. To be frank, the general demeanor of residential customers in recent years has also made providing these services much more difficult on our staff. Obviously, many of our residential clients are fantastic, but the ratio has sharply swung in the other direction, making the motivation to maintain offering those services much less appealing. We have continued to do so for the sake of our loyal clients the past few years, but it is not sustainable. It is our hope that you will be able to find another local computer shop that will meet your needs for residential support.
Are you still open?
Of course, we aren't going anywhere. We are, however, focusing solely on our commercial IT services and will continue providing the same IT support services to our business clients that we always have. We will also continue to support those residential clients who have subscribed to the RMM service which we have made available for the past few years. Our main office will be open by appointment only. This will be necessary due the vast numbers of walk-in customers we see for residential services and retail purchases. Our business and RMM clients will still have full access to us as needed.
I bought a computer from you. What do I do about warranty service?
If you've purchased a Lenovo laptop from us, you have full warranty support through Lenovo. If you've purchased one of our custom desktop PCs, we will obviously honor the warranty on any hardware defects for the duration of the warranty period. You can contact us at if you have a hardware warranty request. Please note that any invalid requests to this address will be discarded.